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Jetpatcher equipment can be used for repairing many types of asphalt road defects: Potholes, edge breaks, road depressions, wheel path rutting, crack sealing digouts, speed bumps, drainage buns and scabbing.
Applications of Jetpatcherâ„¢
Where a pothole or edge break has developed through a weakness in the original sealed surface, generally no pre-preparation of the repair is required (e.g. cutting out or squaring the edges), except blowing out dirt and cleaning the area to be repaired.
This simple procedure is one of the main reasons for the considerable savings with Jetpatcher. Generally the rougher the hole edges the better the 'key' to 'lock' the hardened Jetpatcher material into the hole or edge break.
If for aesthetic reasons a square finish is required, this can be achieved by 'overlaying' the surface of the patch to a square shape onto the surrounding road surface. This further protects the patch and reduces the risk of water penetration into the repaired area.
Where the road base has failed and the surface is cracked and sunken by traffic impact, a 'digout' repair is required by cutting away the existing failed surface and removal of unstable base materials. The area is then backfilled with unbound base course which must be compacted to leave a surface gap equal or greater than the existing thickness of asphalt pavement. This can then be filled with Jetpatcher material to complete the repair consistent with the existing road.
Often the surface of the repair is left a little higher than the existing road to allow for traffic compaction.
If the surface cracks are caused by failure of the seal rather than road base failure, then the Jetpatcher is ideal for these repairs because of the ability to ensure that all cracks are penetrated, with emulsion and fine aggregate material jet air blasted into the cracks. The repair can then be finished with the Jetpatcher via a thin layer of new chip seal over the top.
Where an existing sealed surface is showing signs of scabbing (i.e. thin layers of asphalt are peeling off) the Jetpatcher is ideal to repair these defects before water enters the base of the road causing more damage or before the scabbing extends further.
By spraying Jetpatcher material comprising of a 1/16" - 3/16" fine aggregate to achieve a thin coating which adheres well to the existing surface, the scabbed area is readily repaired. The Jetpatcher material blends into the existing surrounding road surface. Finish the repair with either dry aggregate or sand. Alternatively a plate compactor or hydraulic Tampa can be used to ensure complete stabilization prior to traffic flow

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